American Horror Story Apocalypse: Season 8's Full Timeline Explained American Horror Story: Apocalypse bounces around in time. Here"s a chronological look at everything that occurred in season 8 of the horror series.

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AHS Coven_Murder House_Apocalypse
American Horror Story season 8"s ambitious multi-season crossover storyline created a somewhat confusing timeline. Characters from previous seasons were brought bachồng and new characters traveled through time, effectively changing the show"s canon. It"s a lot lớn keep up with, so let"s take a look at the series of events that took place in AHS: Apocalypse.

Just as the sub-title—Apocalypse—says, American Horror Story season 8 chronicles the kết thúc of times. The first chunk of the seasons centers around a group of new characters who were chosen at random lớn survive the nuclear bomb that just hit. Eventually, the coven from American Horror Story season 3 was brought in to help reverse the apocalypse and stop the Antichrist who caused it. In order to reverse the apocalypse, the witches must visit the titular house from American Horror Story season 1; the reason for their return is to lớn learn more about how to defeat Michael Langdon (Cody Fern), who was born during the events of Murder House.

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American Horror Story season 8 wasn"t perfect, but it was bold — perhaps the show"s most memorable season. The interesting choices taken during Apocalypse"s convoluted timeline would have actually made a perfect final season for American Horror Story. However, the show is mix to continue for at least a few more years, as it has been green-lit through season 13 và season 10 is mix lớn debut in 2021. Here"s a look at the chronological events of American Horror Story season 8, & how it may impact the show moving forward.

American Horror Story: Michael Langdon as a kid.
The root of evil in American Horror Story started with the birth of Michael Langdon in the year 2012. In American Horror Story: Murder House, the unfortunate Harmon family moves into a cursed house. Vivian Hartháng (Connie Britton) believes she conceives twins with her husb& Ben (Dylan McDermott), but it"s later revealed that the angry spirit of Tate Langdon (Evan Peters) is the one who gets her pregnant. Vivian và one twin die during child birth. The Harmons" neighbor—và the children"s biological paternal grandmother, Constance (Jessica Lange)—takes the surviving twin và names him Michael. American Horror Story: Murder House ends with the toddler gleefully smiling at his grandmother after viciously murdering his babysitter. It"s an ominous sign that the union of human and spirit created something evil — the Antichrist.

Michael"s birth paves the way for the events of American Horror Story season 8. In the Christian faith, it is said that the birth of the Antichrist will bring about the over of days. That"s exactly what happens with Michael"s birth. Once the witches realize he is the Antichrist & that his presence brought on the end of the world, they make it their mission lớn go baông xã in time to stop hyên. They ultimately succeed, even if American Horror Story season 8 proves that it"s just temporary. Ending the show with Michael"s demise would have sầu been a nice bookover to the evil that he caused. Instead, American Horror Story used it to prove that evil will always exist in the world.

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AHS Coven Full Cast
American Horror Story: Apocalypse continues season 3"s storyline of finding the next Supreme for the witches" coven. While Michael is technically only five sầu years old at this point, he has aged rapidly as his powers have manifested. Michael"s grandmother killed herself after she couldn"t cope with his evil nature. After her death, he was eventually taken in by a group of warlocks — a fraternal order, given the hierarchy between witches and warlocks.

Related: American Horror Story: How Warlocks Are Different Than Witches

In American Horror Story, witches consider warlocks khổng lồ be inferior to their kind. However, four years after the events of season 3, Michael rose lớn power và eventually exhibited signs that he would the next Supreme. After completing each step of the Seven Wonders, he was eventually crowned Supreme of all witches and warlocks. This role leads to lớn him getting connected with the Cooperative, which is the organization that eventually brings on the apocalypse.

The Cooperative sầu brings on the apocalypse in the year 2020, which is the year that American Horror Story: Apocalypse begins its story. Season 8 of the show moves back & forth in time, but 2020/2021 is considered khổng lồ be present day for the events of the show. Apocalypse took place about 18 months in the future from when the show first aired. Normally, American Horror Story takes place in the past or right around present day, but the choice to mix season 8 of the show ever-so-slightly in the future was a smart & deliberate choice. That allowed for Michael"s birth và rise khổng lồ specifically fall within the events of previous seasons. It also showed the real significance of Michael"s presence in the world of American Horror Story. There will likely never be another villain as impactful as he was on the show.

Billie Lourd
Mallory (Billie Lourd) is revealed to lớn be a powerful witch who will eventually succeed Cordelia as the Supreme. When the witches from American Horror Story: Coven become desperate to stop Michael in 2021, Cordelia realizes that Mallory"s growing power is a sign that she is strong enough to cast a time travel spell. Mallory succeeds in casting the spell and travels bachồng khổng lồ the year 2015. Michael was on the verge of discovering his powers, but had not yet succumbed lớn his evil nature. Mallory takes advantage of this, tracks hyên ổn down & runs hyên over with a oto — repeatedly. It"s a cliché and anticlimactic death, but a big khuyễn mãi giảm giá khổng lồ American Horror Story canon, as this sự kiện wipes out all events that connected to Michael in the future.

In the original timeline of the show, Emily & Timothy are two teens who fall in love after they are randomly chosen to lớn survive the apocalypse. Even though Mallory undoes everything Michael caused by killing hyên ổn in 2015, the pair still meet in the year 20trăng tròn and fall in love sầu. A year later, they have sầu a son named Devan. In the year 2024, the young parents enjoy a night out and leave sầu their son home page with a babysitter. They bình luận on a few strange occurrences — the house is boiling hot & a murder of crows constantly circles them. After they walk inside và see that Devan has murdered his babysitter, a group of Satanists arrive at their door.

As these are essentially the same events that happened with Michael in Murder House, it teases that Devan is the next incarnation of the Antichrist. Mallory"s time traveling only killed one incarnation of the Antichrist by getting rid of Michael; destiny can"t be thwarted as easily. American Horror Story season 8 comments on the show"s most important theme — evil is always out there, & nobody toàn thân can stop it from happening. It"s morbid, but falls in line with the previous seasons of the show.

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