A silent voice

“Your Name” has already become an international blockbuster & “In this Corner of the World” has won the Japanese Academy Award for Best Animation, but it seems the industry had even more to lớn offer in 2016, and “A Silent Voice” is a great testament lớn the fact. The movie is based on the homonymous manga written & illustrated by Yoshitoki Oima.

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The story revolves around Shoya Ishida & starts when he is attending elementary school. Shoya is a sort of delinquent (as much as one can be during elementary years) but is quite popular in the classroom, sitting in the same desk with a girl, Naoka Ueno, & having two very loyal friends. However, things change completely when a new student arrives in school, Shoko Nishimiya. She is proven to be deaf và due to that has some speech impeachment. Despite her being a kindhearted girl who even wants lớn become friends with Shoya, he starts bullying her, and soon after Naoka does the same, although in verbal fashion, for the most part. However, things go too far when this continues for quite some time, & Shoya’s mother is forced lớn transfer her khổng lồ another school. This incident turns the whole classroom against Shoya, making him a pariah, despite his mother’s efforts who makes him apologise to Shoko và her mother.

His status remains until high school, with Shoya having no friends whatsoever, to the point where he decides khổng lồ commit suicide. At the last moment, though, he decides against it & instead goes lớn find Shoko. He even makes a friend, another loner named Tomohiro Nagatsuka, và after getting reacquainted with Shoko, the two of them embark on a trip of reconciliation with the “old gang”, including Sahara, another former classmate, and Naoka The process, though, does not prove easy, at all.


Naoko Yamada presents a sensitive and tender perspective to a number of issues in the contemporary Japanese society, & through them, depicts what it means to lớn be Japanese, nowadays. In that fashion, the anime giao dịch with bullying, and the concept of the bully becoming the one bullied, cruelty among children, suicidal tendencies, friendship, regret, apology, family, forgiveness, change and evolving, all of which are present through a coming-of-age setting that highlights them in the best way possible. Yamada uses some original & quite impressive techniques lớn depict all of the above. The X’s on the faces of people around Shoya, that symbolize the fact that he has chosen lớn ignore them as much as they have, is a great sample of this tendency, while the moments that these X’s are removed comprise some of the best scenes in the film. The frequent depiction of the character’s shoes, whose purpose is revealed toward the end, is another trait, while the narrative, that actually goes back and forth in time, also helps the presentation of the story.

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Some minor fanservice could not be missing, but overall, Yamada keeps a very serious tone throughout the movie, with some comic relief moments, mostly presented through Nagatsuka, và a turn for the dramatic, during the over of the anime. The only issue here is that the film lags a bit towards the middle, in a tactic that results in its duration surpassing 120 minutes. Even this fault though, is minor, và does not detract much from the general elaborateness of the title.That the supernatural is completely absent, quite refreshing.

Technically, “A Silent Voice” is truly masterful. Futoshi Nishiya has done a great work in the character design, with the attention being on detail (watch the label always showing on the back of Shoya t-shirts khổng lồ understand what I mean, at least if you are not suffering from any kind of OCD) and the diversity among the characters. The animation is also impressive, with the character’s movement focusing on realism, and the same applies lớn the surroundings, all of which are presented with a distinct focus on realism and attention lớn detail, despite the fact that the setting changes quite a lot. In that fashion, Kazuya Takao’s cinematography is truly impressive.

A number of very interesting characters, the thorough social comments, và the artistry in the technical department deem “A Silent Voice” a definite anime masterpiece.