Fix 100% Disk Usage In Windows 10 Task Manager

Windows 10 users who experience issues such as slow response time may look into their Task Manager for guidance. Task Manager provides you with a wealth of information regarding the processes that are currently running on your machine.

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Way 5: Stop the Superfetch Service

Another Windows 10 feature that can cause problems is the Windows Superfetch service. You can disable this service temporarily in a similar fashion to Windows search with the command: net.exe stop superfetch.


To disable the service permanently, use the same procedure as for disabling Windows search.

Way 6: Change Energy Options from Balanced lớn High Performance

This change of energy settings seems to lớn have worked for a number of users who have experienced 100% disk usage on Windows 10.Use this procedure:


Go khổng lồ Power Options > Change plan settings > Change advanced power settings.Select the High-performance option from the drop-down box and make sure all plan settings are set khổng lồ their defaults.

Way 7: Temporarily Turn Off Your Antivirus Software

Another step to take when investigating the cause behind your Windows 10 100% disk usage problem is lớn turn off your antivirus software temporarily. See if this improves your disk usage. If so, you may want lớn consider changing antivirus packages. Even Windows Defender can cause problems by increasing I/O and network usage which might lead to high disk usage.

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Way 8: Reset Virtual Memory in Windows 10

Virtual memory treats your disk as if it is RAM and uses it lớn swap out temporary files when it runs out of actual RAM. Errors in the pagefile.sys can cause 100% disk usage on your Windows 10 machine. The remedy lớn this problem is to reset your virtual memory settings.

Follow these steps to reset your virtual memory:

In your computer’s “System Properties” you need lớn click on “Advanced system settings”.
Click “Settings” in the Performance section.
Select the “Advanced” tab & click the “Change” button.
Make sure the box titled “Automatically manage paging tệp tin size” is checked.
You can also choose “No paging file”, Press OK & then reboot. This will inhibit the use of virtual memory and may improve your system’s disk performance.

Way 9: Run check Disk

A check disk can show you if there are any physical problems with your hard drive. Usually, a high disk usage indicates that there is an application or logical issue driving the disk usage, but it is worth your time to lớn rule out any physical damage. Run check disk and cảnh báo its results.

Way 10: Change Settings in Google Chrome & Skype

Some users have reported that making these changes to lớn your Google Chrome và Skype settings can have a beneficial effect on your disk usage.

For Chrome, make this change:


Settings -> Show advanced settings.Under Privacy section, uncheck the “Use a prediction service to load pages more quickly” option.You should also try disabling Flash in Google Chrome.

To update your Skype settings use this procedure:

To start Skype for Windows 10, select the Start menu from the bottom left of your screen. In the list of available applications, scroll down to lớn Skype for Windows 10 & click to mở cửa it.Select the Security tab và click on the Edit option.In the danh sách of “Groups or Usernames” select “ALL APPLICATION PACKAGES”. Kiểm tra the Write option lớn select Allow which lets Skype write to your disk.Press OK.