Về Việc Tiếng Anh Là Gì

used in the subject line of an e-mail when it is a reply to another email, followed by the subject of the original message:

Bạn đang xem: Về việc tiếng anh là gì


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Nâng cao vốn tự vựng của bạn với English Vocabulary in Use tự sarakhanov.com.Học những từ các bạn cần giao tiếp một bí quyết tự tin.

the regreening of our country (= making it green again by planting trees, allowing grass khổng lồ grow, etc.)
reactivate; reactivation; reassess; reassessment; reassign; recommence; re-create; redistribute; redistribution; redraft; reevaluate; reevaluation; refocus; reformulate; reformulation; reinterpret; reinterpretation; reinvest; reinvestment; reoccur; reorient; reorientation
According to lớn its website, Swiss Re is a leading risk carrier & worldwide provider of financial services.
used in the subject line of an thư điện tử to show that you are replying khổng lồ an e-mail that was sent lớn you with the same title. If you reply khổng lồ an email, this word is automatically added to lớn the reply the person you are emailing receives:
used in business letters to lớn refer lớn a letter or something in a letter you have received and are replying to:

an important discovery or event that helps lớn improve a situation or provide an answer khổng lồ a problem

Về việc này

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